Monday, April 7, 2008

OBAMA and CLINTON!!!!!! [Color, race and/or age?]

My intellect is in denial and my curiosity keeps me wondering about these two candidates[Clinton and Obama].

I'm inquisitive to know what's on the mind of others regarding the views of the democrats in general. What do you think about the constant bickering between Obama and Clinton, is this the dirty play part of politics, or outright pettiness/immaturity. Who do you favor, in your opinion who's more qualified and why the assertion? I discern majority will effortlessly conclude that both candidates are qualified, Ironically I'm of the same opinion. However as much as i assert that both candidates[Obama and Clinton] are equally qualified the Universalist Principle idea shadows my consciousness and i'm forced to believe this is the case in this circumstance. The universalist Principle that is if it applies to one it applies to the others could this be the case?

Without gainsaying, we know America, is a country with the greatest conspiracy theory. One is therefore, compelled to assume the worse case scenario in events as such as this primary elections/caucuses [re-voting, rigging, et-all] bearing in mind that anything can happen in "this America"!!!!

With this said, the question now remains will this be another conspiracy theory in the quest for change in the history of America or is this assertion of qualification [re- who is more qualified] based on the Universalist Principle and ideas, will gender, race and/or age play a resounding role in all of this, has American come to the age of change and meritocracy or still in the dark ages of color play [for lack of a better word]. Which one is it? I'm curious to know.


dblog said...

As intricate as universal the democratic party primaries were, i do not think its hard to decipher the role of race and gender. It definitely played a role..(dont know how much but it did).

I refrain from answering questions like "why do u like obama"? because i always sense the racial undertone: because he is black?"

I honestly dont know how obama did it, i mean coming out of the pastor wright controversy to knock down the "clinton machine">? that is just amazing. I thought the shadows of wright destroyed it, but i guess it only made him stronger

Anonymous said...

Hi Moji,
Pls what's your private email. I would like to trade email exchnages with you. I thoroughly like the views expressed in most of your posting on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Obama really did well by scaling through the primaries, i sense a bit of racial undertone, some people want him cos they want to see a black man rule the US, and no matter what happens they throw it off and go for him.

well i would say, he who the cap fits let him wear it...