Saturday, February 23, 2008

So Short Farewell!!!! Brigadier Solomon Giwa Amu.
February 18th 2008 at exactly 9:02am a day that would forever resonate. My phone rang excited about the detail on the caller ID enlivened to hear the voice behind the call nonetheless, my excitement was cut short from the breaking news flash. Brigadier general Solomon Giwa-Amu a fine irreplaceable soldier of repute and integrity died doing what he knows how to do best. What a shock, what a loss, what a life!!!

Excuse me as I introduce him to you General Solomon Giwa Amu, was my Boss, my mentor, my motivator, my family beyond blood ties, but above all my friend. Humility is the only sane word that can best describe this individual if you knew him I believe you would attest this fact. He was ever ready, ever willing, and always eager to help any and everyone in anyway; he was passionate about his family and passionate about people in general.

Solo [My ex-Boss] as his colleagues would call him was constantly strategizing realistic initiatives of how to move the Nation forward towards a better Nigeria and above all passionate about how to help one more child through education. To brigadier Amu education was the key to unlocking all doors then death came with it's sting, without invitation, without notice, without recourse and took this leader, finest soldier, colleague, friend, brother, husband, Father, uncle, mentor and motivational speaker away. My heart bleed, bloodied but drab tears of pain sorrow and regret. Regret, not for the life he lived for he lived this life a living legend with legacies visible and invisible, on the contrary my heart bleed with regret for the loss of a great nation for we had lost a rare gem, a tenacious leader, a discreet philanthropist an advocate to and for many above all a fine soldier passionate about his home country “Nigeria” one who was ready to die for change.
Giwa-Amu served as Obasanjo’s ADC between 1999 and 2003, after which he was posted to the United States as Defense Attaché. He was appointed Army Public Relations Director on his return from the United States to Nigeria last year 2007.

Solomon Giwa-Amu gone with the wind I’d say, the wind of change he prayed to come for Nigeria the invariable wind of change that took him away from us. Now as a nation, as family, as friends, as children, as nephew/nieces and as loved ones we are left to console ourselves with the legacy and memories he left behind.

SGA-Oga Amu as I would call you. My soul bleeds and my heart is torn knowing you left without saying goodbye. You were a leader, husband, father, friend, brother, uncle and neighbor according to the standard of God. You loved effortlessly, smiled effortlessly, gave effortlessly because you were blessed you blessed others. A true soldier to the finest, your words resonate in my head. May God the maker and giver of life comfort Judith[his wife], and all immediate and extended family in his warm embrace of strength and love by sufficiently gracing them with the fortitude to bear your loss as he soothes their pains away with sweet memories shared in the past.
You are irreplaceable and we will forever miss you. Nevertheless, for now we are left to console ourselves with the memories and legacy you left behind knowing we will one day meet again at the bosom of the father. My heart broods over the awe and incredulity of that day so for now I say so "short" farewell but I don’t wish to say goodbye. R.I.P my friend, mentor and Motivator for you were all of that and more. Sun re!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!