Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Today is Tomorrow, Tomorrow is the Future!!!!!!!!

The Future.
HAPPY NEWYEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It;s 2008 another year, a million expectations, a million resolution, a million restitutions, a million evaluation, a million revolution. Ironicaly a million miles we've come a million more to go. Some we;ll achieve others we'll plunder like these "revs" lows &"tions" were never made nevertheless, another year has come and the clock ticks in seconds, minutes, and time the aunction of new beginnings, time in memories, memories of history, histories of Nations, families, lovers, friends, yet again histories of death, birth and that of newlife, like a boomerang ball going in circle it would all evolve like true revolution to the origination of it's nature.

The question is "What, where and how?

"Where do we start from , yes it's a New Year and yes we made it tomorrow is gone never to resurrect again only in memories of how we lived it but not in time, we planned, we prayed we hoped, we wanted, desired and craved yet how many accomplishments can we take pride in, how many can we state for a fact that we overcame without challenges yet we rejoice cos it,s a newyear trust me it is and there'll always be New Years till eternity even though we all live on borrowed days and no one's promised tomorrow yet we celebrate the essence of living by rejoicing in the now. Thank God for that, nevertheless how many asked the maker for directions, directives, actions, plans and the vision of purpose for this Year remember every year comes with it's own designed purpose what is yours?

What is yours??????
I question myself at the thought of this inquiry and i ponder, yet wonder 'what indeed is mine, yes my purpose, your purpose, our collective purpose for the year, for the nation, for our families, for our society, for our children, and most importantly for "My/Our Generation' did i forget to mention that "WE" you and i are the future generation tomorrow starts from today so what is it and what is yours? "Purpose"?The choices we make today dictates the lives we live so before we respond please take a minute or two ponder and restructure the "New year" it is essential to state that with wrong decisons and failure to appropriate adequate planning the new [year] could become the old in a minute, therefore it is imperative to take it slow one day at a time.

How 2008 i ask?
How? you wonder? logical, easy, simple and straight, take it back to the 'master planner', the maker , start it off with him, give it all to him, and he'll walk with you step by step, day by day all you need to do is lay the visions plain on the table so that he that reads it may run with it.
Once again,
Happy 2008. Have a Glorious and Delightful one.


Anonymous said...

Hey, i can't agree with u any further....modern day amenities has nothing to do with development.....those amenities are replicated to massage the insatiable guts of so call expertriates that work for multinational companies.....How many Nigerians can afford the most basic commodities at the so call malls and lounges.....We Nigerians and Africans alike we must start to rethink our value system....or else we not going to have a good leadership because leaders are bred from the society....so the societal value shape their thinking........
Moji...we need more of you in Nigeria.....

Anonymous said...

Thats crazy

Anonymous said...

MJ, you have said some valid things but i dare say every civilisation was developed by a few for their own comfort initially but eventually expanded to the common class cos the economics of scale demanded it. i think Nigeria will not be different eventhough i agree it is taking us longer than expected.
i also believe that industrialisation and development cannot be seperated as one naturally produces the other. Industrialisation produce jobs that improve the spending power of the people, exposure level and knowledge acquiring opportunities.
The people invariably demand better amenities/infrastructure and ultimately learn to choose leaders that will deliver these things. Most importantly the people's votes are a little more expensive to buy!